
equal to 70 points We claim they are incorrect to see if

Last updated: 11/13/2023

equal to 70 points We claim they are incorrect to see if

equal to 70 points We claim they are incorrect to see if average improvement is different than 70 We randomly sample students for their average improvement The data we collected are below GRE scores are known to be normally distributed Points 60 9 72 4 74 54 3 57 2 61 2 70 8 65 4 63 1 67 4 73 7 Evaluate the company s claim using a hypothesis test You wish to test the following claim Ha at a significance level of a 0 05 a Write the hypothesis for the test OHO H 70 Ha 70 H 70 H 70 O Ho 70 Ha 70 HO H 65 491 Ha H 65 491 O Ho U 65 491 Ha 65 491 Ho 65 491 Ha 65 491