ere 3 synthesis estrial ke Plant respiration Plant biomass
Last updated: 2/12/2024

ere 3 synthesis estrial ke Plant respiration Plant biomass 550 Soil carbon 60 Fossil fuels cement and land use change Microbial respiration and decomposition Fossil pool 10 000 Atmospheric Carbon Net Annual Increase 90 2 Phytoplankton photosynthesis Air sea gas exchange of carbon year Numbers in parentheses refer to stored carbon pools Red indicates carbon from human Q Net ocean uptake 2 6000 90 Reactive sediments Surface ocean 1000 Respiration and decomposition Deep ocean 37 000 Observe the labels in the diagram What is similar and different between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in this Figurer Observe the number values in the diagram What is similar and different between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in this Figure Why do these differences exist Be specific in your explanation Using the quantitative data on the diagram explain how the ecosystem is attempting to maintain homeostasis Include the numbers in your explanation Terrestrial Aquatic Using the quantitative data on the diagram explain how the net gain of atmospheric carbon from human emissions impacts these ecosystems Terrestrial Aquatic Using the quantitative data on the diagram explain how you know whether the attempt to maintain homeostasis has been successful or not