ew 15 1 Into which domain are protists fungi plants and
Last updated: 6/6/2023

ew 15 1 Into which domain are protists fungi plants and animals clas 2 What molecule found in the cell wall is used to distinguish different types of bacteria 3 After Gram staining what color do Gram positive bacteria appear 4 Which chemicals are used during the Gram stain procedure 5 What is the term for a growth of cells descended from an culture plate original cell as observed 6 What is the nutrient material used for culturing bacteria 7 List three common bacterial shapes 8 Where does photosynthesis occur in cyanobacteria 9 Where does photosynthesis occur in green algae 10 Which protist has silica in its cell walls 11 Which protists are commonly referred to as seaweed 12 Protists who gain their energy from sources other than the sun are termed 13 Which structures provide motility for protists 14 Which protozoan moves using pseudopods