FeO crystallizes in C C P lattice where oxide ions form the
Last updated: 6/28/2023

FeO crystallizes in C C P lattice where oxide ions form the lattice and Fe2 ions are present at all octahedral voids Assume due to heating only one octahedral site in a unit cell becomes vacant but electrical neutrality of the unit cell is maintained and other parameters remain same Select the correct statement s After heating the crystal contains 2 types of iron ions viz Fe2 and Fe because some Fe2 ions are converted into Fe ions Due to heating if Fe2 at one edge centre is removed then Fe2 at body centre is converted into Fe If Fe at body centre is removed due to heating the Fe at 3rd of edge centres are converted into Fe ions If Fe2 of body centre is removed due to heating then all Fe2 ions along one axis is converted into Fe ions