fight pairs of species 16 species in all from Alabama
Last updated: 10/20/2023

fight pairs of species 16 species in all from Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky South Carolina and North Carolina and brought them all back to the lab In some species pairs the color patterns were very similar and in some they were very different For each species pair he put five males of both species and five females of both species in the same fish tank and observed their behavior for five hours He did this eight times once for each species pair for a total of 1 280 fish During the five hour observation period he recorded 1 how many times females mated with males of their own species or of a different species and 2 how many times males were aggressive towards males of their own species or of a different species He used these data to calculate an index of bias for each behavior to show whether individuals had stronger reactions towards members of their own species He used the following equation where A and B represent two different species and AxA represents how individuals in species A acted towards other members of species A index of bias AxA BxB AxB BxA AXA AxB BxA BxB Another way to write the same equation is index of bias events within species events across species total of events If the index of bias value is positive greater than zero this means that the behavior happened more often with members of the same species If the index of bias value is negative less than zero this means that the behavior happened more often with members from a different species Michael also measured color differences between each pair using digital pictures The larger the color difference score the more different the color pattern is between the two species Scientific Question In what ways do color pattern differences between different darter species influence female mating decisions and male aggression What is the hypothesis State Dr Martin s alternative hypothesis from the above text I