For a power system the admittance and impedance matrices for
Last updated: 6/9/2023

For a power system the admittance and impedance matrices for the fault studies are as follows Ybus j8 75 j1 25 j2 50 j1 25 j6 25 j2 50 j2 50 j2 50 5 00 Zbus j0 16 j0 08 j0 12 j0 08 j0 24 j0 16 Lj0 12 j0 16 j0 34 The pre fault voltages are 1 0 p u at all buses The system was unloaded prior to the fault A solid 3 phase fault takes place at bus 2 The post fault voltages at buses 1 and 3 in per unit respectively are