For an L R circuit in which current is growing the time
Last updated: 6/19/2023

For an L R circuit in which current is growing the time constant is equal to L RUR Ay MH ug d cst ad chimich A Twice the ratio of energy stored in magnetic field to rate of dissipation of energy in the resistor au aufa Guf au ufadug 7 Guf a ci guai stai Correct Answer B Half the ratio of energy stored in the magnetic field to the rate of dissipation of energy in resistor yachu au a guf au ufauc uf a cu a Ratio of energy stored in inductor at any time to the ratio of energy dissipated in the resistor till that time g zuka kuf auch auf qua audz ata D Ratio of square of the energy stored as magnetic field to the rate of energy dissipated in the resistance a kufa af f u fa