
For each situation described below identify the population

Last updated: 11/6/2023

For each situation described below identify the population

For each situation described below identify the population and the sample explain what p and p represent and tell whether it is appropriate to create a one proportion z interval Complete parts a through d below Is it appropriate to create a one proportion z interval OA It is appropriate because the sample is less than 10 of the population OB If the sample cluster sample is representative then it is appropriate to create a one proportion z interval OC It is not appropriate because there not at least 10 successes and 10 failures OD It is not appropriate because the sample is biased and nonrandom c A research institute wants to know the eating habits of its employees to know what to serve for lunch It mails all its employees a form in which to write their favorite foods Of the 1241 forms sent out 484 are mailed back with 184 people listing pizza as their favorite food Identify the population Choose the correct answer below OA Those who mailed back the form OB The U S population OC The 1241 people who received forms O D Employees of the institute Identify the sample Choose the correct answer below 00 Those who mailed back the form