For each statement below indicate whether it is True or
Last updated: 9/8/2023

For each statement below indicate whether it is True or False 1 Breaking the hydrogen bond between two water molecules is called dissociation Click to select B 2 When water dissociates an oxygen atom separates from the rest of the molecule Click to select 3 The hydroxide ion has an overall charge of 1 Click to select 4 A hydrogen ion is the same as a proton Click to select 5 When a hydrogen ion separates from a water molecule it usually combines with another water molecule to form a hydroniu ion Click to select 6 A hydronium ion has the formula H O Click to select 7 In pure water at 25 C about 10 of the water molecules are dissociated at any given time Click to select 8 In pure water the concentration of hydrogen ions always equals the concentration of hydroxide ions Click to select 9 In pure water the concentration of hydrogen ions is 1 x 107 molar Click to select 10 Water dissociates into oppositely charged ions Click to select