For IM administration ceftriaxone should be reconstituted
Last updated: 6/20/2023

For IM administration ceftriaxone should be reconstituted with Hydrochloride Injection USP or for Injection USP Injection USP Simple Uno Vied 1 gram Bow Gr Chal DER LA mante Co Layer 14DC 1234 1234 46 Ceftriaxone for Injection USP 1 gram Single Use Vial For intramuscular or intravenous use Each vial contains ceftriaxone sodium powder equivalent to 1 gram Ronly ceftriaxone 1 gram 15 ml Vial 1 Vial Ceftriaxone for Injection USP 1 gram Directions For Use For LM Adroinistration Recansete with 2 1 od 1 Lidocoing Hydrochloride Injection USP or Starile Water for Injection USP Each 1 ml of schoon contare approximately 350 mg equivalent cf celtnasone as ceftriaxone todum For LV Adrzinistration Reconstitute with 96 ad of an LK duent specified in the accompanying padago insert Loch 1 ml of solution contain approximately 100 mg equivalent of ceftrianone as ceftriaxone sodium Withdraw entire contents and alute to the desbed concentration with the appropriate LX divent Usual corage For dosage recorerenditions and other important presorbing information read accompanying insan Storage Prior to Reconstitution Store 31 23 25 C 25 77 F Isa USP Controled Room Temperaturel Protect from Light Storage After Reconstitution See package insert Total Care Pharmaceuticals 24 bwhere Street Anytown USA 12345 6780 1234 1234 56 0