
For the following report about a statistical study identify

Last updated: 10/23/2023

For the following report about a statistical study identify

For the following report about a statistical study identify if possible a the population b the population parameter of interest c the sampling frame d the sample e the sampling method including whether or not randomization was employed f who if anyone was left out of the study and g any potential sources of bias you can detect and any problems you see in generalizing to the population of interest Researchers waited outside a bar they had randomly selected from a list of such establishments They rolled a twenty sided die and it came up 3 so they stopped the third adult who came out of the bar then every 15th adult after that and asked whether they thought drinking and driving was a serious problem a What is the population OA The population is all bars OB The population is the adults who came out of the bar OC The population is all adults who would visit a bar OD The population is the adults in the bar OE The population for the study is unclear b What is the population parameter of interest BERICH