
Four universities 1 2 3 and 4 are participating in a holiday

Last updated: 2/9/2023

Four universities 1 2 3 and 4 are participating in a holiday

Four universities 1 2 3 and 4 are participating in a holiday basketball tournament In the first round 1 will play 2 and 3 will play 4 Then the two winners will play for the championship and the two losers will also play One possible outcome can be denoted by 1324 1 beats 2 and 3 beats 4 in first round games and then 1 beats 3 and 2 beats 4 Enter your answers in set notation Enter EMPTY or for the empty set a List all outcomes in S S b Let A denote the event that 1 wins the tournament List outcomes in A A c Let B denote the event that 2 gets into the championship game List outcomes in B B d What are the outcomes in A U B AUB What are the outcomes in A n B An B What are the outcomes in A A