
have been denoted by and they upy part of the surface area

Last updated: 6/28/2023

have been denoted by and they upy part of the surface area

have been denoted by and they upy part of the surface area area solven is correspondingly reduced thus the vapa 2 5 pressure is also reduced The decrease in the vapour pressure of solvent depends on t quantity of non volatile solute present in the solution irrespective its nature For example decrease in the vapour pressure of water adding 1 0 mol of sucrose to one kg of water is nearly similar to th produced by adding 1 0 mol of urea to the same quantity of water the same temperature A CRaoult s law in its general form can be stated as for any solution the partial vapour pressure of each volatile component in th solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction In a binary solution let us denote the solvent by Land solute AIDUAL CAMERA When the solute is non volatile only the solvent molecules present in vapour phase and contribute to vencur pressure Let p Shot by Sourddeep ar can you tell me vapour pressure of pure solvent without solute increases but non volatile solute is add v p is decrease then when volatile solute is add then what will 2021 08 26