
Height 43in 62 in 83in 62 in Shoe 6 9 9 5 10 2 1 Taking

Last updated: 8/15/2023

Height 43in 62 in 83in 62 in Shoe 6 9 9 5 10 2 1 Taking

Height 43in 62 in 83in 62 in Shoe 6 9 9 5 10 2 1 Taking confidence level 90 2 1 0 90 0 1 2 sample m mee 65 in 10 G SAI 563 l62 56 n CI 7 b Sample mean Sample storelard deviation Sx 1 xi x n 1 11 62 Ty Eyi 85 5 19 5 9 Sy 1 Elyi F 11 73 68 in 68 in 48 in 64in 12 8 10 c 90 confidence intenol x T df x s df 9 1 8 1 2 0 95 df 8 To 95 8 1 86 v CI 62 56 1 86 11 62 vy d 90 CI for shoe size of population y In T x df x To 9 181 1 86 9 5 1 86 x 1 73 9 5 1 07 19 55 36 69 78 4 CLO 3 Find a correlation between height and shoe size a Create a scatterplot of the data Height is x axis and Shoe size is y axis Attach your scatterplot to the end of this document b Find the linear correlation coefficient What does this tell you about your data c Write the equation of the regression line and use it to predict the shoe size of a person that is 68 inches tall 5 Write a paragraph or two about what you have learned from this process When you read see or hear a statistic in the future what skills will you apply to know whether you can trust the result