
Here are some more examples: (1+3)9 =36, (2*3)^2 = 6^2 = 36,

Last updated: 7/17/2022

Here are some more examples: (1+3)9 =36, (2*3)^2 = 6^2 = 36,

Here are some more examples: (1+3)9 =36, (2*3)^2 = 6^2 = 36, 3^(2*2) = 3^4 = 81, (2+3)^2 = 5^2= 25, 3^(2+2) = 3^4 = 81 Scientific notation should be entered as a 10% - you would type this in as x*10^y and your computer does the formatting automatically. Try entering some of these forms to see how you can let Edfinity be your calculator. The "correct" result for this answer blank is 36, but Edfinity will recognize any calculation which equals 36 as correct.