Hi there I m Harsh Vadher I say In si mple way that you
Last updated: 6/26/2023

Hi there I m Harsh Vadher I say In si mple way that you please take cordin ate system and draw line with 1 obtu se slope 2 acute and 3 zero than I c ommited option 2 correct Cause for 1 case take xt graph upper X1 5 and down X2 3 and give t1 t2 time I got Vavg 2 At take mod but it s spee d avg is 3 At because it s distance fr om up measured 3m to down And rest 3 4 optio correct 1 Objective Type Questions More than one options are correct Select the correct statements For a particle moving on a straight line 1 Average speed is always equal to magnitude of average velocity 2 Average speed may be greater than magnitude of average velocity JE 3 Average velocity instantaneous velocity if velocity is constant 4 Moving with constant acceleration average velocity for a given time interval is arithmetic