hits and animals depend on each other 1 Observe Put one
Last updated: 5/17/2023

hits and animals depend on each other 1 Observe Put one sprig of Elodea and one snail in a test tube with the lights on Click Play A Does the color of the water in the tube change B What happens to the O and CO levels 2 Predict Without using the Gizmo predict what you think will happen to the gas levels in each case liste below Leave the Actual result column blank for now Tube 2 snails 2 sprigs lights on 1 snail 2 sprigs lights on 1 snail 2 sprigs lights off Prediction 1 Actual result 3 Run Gizmo Now run the Gizmo to test your predictions Record your findings in the table 4 Generalize Describe how plants and animals each contribute to the survival of the other This type of cooperative relationship is called interdependence