i j k a b n C d e h f Pages 386 436 Vocabulary On pages 386
Last updated: 2/10/2023

i j k a b n C d e h f Pages 386 436 Vocabulary On pages 386 to 436 there are a varie vocabulary words found in the left and right hand columns highlighted yellow or gray that have to do with the Federal State Court System and the Supreme Court Match the words below with the proper definition or description Impartial c 1 has been done Plea Bargain Grand Jury Majority Opinion VX Dissenting Opinion Precedent Statute Law Clerks Judicial Restraint Originalism Living Constitution Judicial Activism Contentious Appellate Litigation Judicial Review Unconstitutional Impartial 1 Adversarial System Inquisitorial System Plaintiff 1 Unbiased 2 A group that determines if a case can be prosecuted 3 Lower court judges must follow when making decisions 4 Lawsuit that occurs at the Appeals Court level 5 Attorneys who assist Supreme Court judges 6 Court can get involved in political and social issues 7 Courts should avoid overturning laws passed by Congress 8 Civil trial person who brings suit 9 Power to declare laws unconstitutional 10 Supreme Court justices all agree on outcome 11 Supreme Court nominee likely to cause disagreement 12 Not consistent with the nation s constitution 13 Trial system that is a contest between opposing sides 14 States the reasons for disagreement of majority opinion 15 Looks closely at the original understanding of laws 16 Pretrial agreement between prosecutor and defendant 17 Constitution is Dynamic 18 A law written by the legislative branch 19 States the decision of the court 20 Trial system in which Judge plays active role