
Ibility after hearing the message but they have low efficacy

Last updated: 5/2/2023

Ibility after hearing the message but they have low efficacy

Ibility after hearing the message but they have low efficacy what are they likely to do omeone feels high in severity and high in O a They go through a threat appraisal process O b They disregard the message O c They address their fear emotion O d They accept the message s recommendation Oe None of the Above QUESTION 8 Sam listens to a podcast that is hosted by two celebrities Sometimes when Sam is not listening to the podcast they think about the hosts and something that they want to tell the hosts because they think the hosts would find it interesting What media studies term would describe Sam s situation O a Parasocial Relationship O b Vicarious Interaction Oc Vicarious Relationship O d Parasocial Interaction