Identify the following definitions A continuous flow of
Last updated: 6/15/2023

Identify the following definitions A continuous flow of electrons Electricity type caused by a build up of electric charge How like charges behave towards one another How unlike charges behave towards one another These materials have lots of free electrons Charge present on an ebonite rod rubbed with fur Method of charging when 2 neutral objects are rubbed together The instrument used to detect if an object is all charged up The other name for charging by contact In induction this accepts electrons or gives up electrons A closed path followed by electrons The amount of charge passing a point in a circuit every second The property of a material that prevents the motion of electrons The rate of using up energy Circuit type in which there is only one path for electrons to follow Circuit type in which there is many paths for electrons to follow Type of circuit in which Is I1 I2 I3 I4 etc Type of circuit in which Vs V V V3 V4 etc The study of static electricity A rapid release of electrons from a charged object The law that explains the relationship between potential difference current and resistance p i j k 1 9 h o m n f e 17 a d b c b c d e f g h i j k 1 m n o p 9 r s