Identify the kind of conclusion used in the selection. When
Last updated: 7/10/2022

Identify the kind of conclusion used in the selection. When they had eaten and drunk, and were very merry, the old king told all the story, as one that he had once heard of, and asked the true waiting-maid what she thought ought to be done to anyone who would behave thus. "Nothing better," said this false bride, "than that she should be thrown into a cask stuck around with sharp nails, and that two white horses should be put to it, and should drag it from street to street till she is dead." "Thou art she!" said the old king; "and since thou hast judged thyself, it shall be so done to thee." Then the young king was married to his true wife, and they reigned over the kingdom in peace and happiness all their lives. Happy ending Sad ending Open-ended