
If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions for 0≤x≤1 such

Last updated: 7/28/2022

If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions for 0≤x≤1 such

If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions for 0≤x≤1 such that f(0) = 2, g(0)=0, f(1) = 6, g(1)=2, then which of the following are true for some 0 <c<1(c in one options may be different from c in another)? (a) f'(c)-f(0) = g'(c) (b) f'(c)-g(0)=2g'(c) (c) f'(c) + f(1) =3g'(c) (d) f'(c)+2g(1) = 4g'(c)