
In 2001 the National Opinion Research Center reported on the

Last updated: 7/14/2022

In 2001 the National Opinion Research Center reported on the

In 2001 the National Opinion Research Center reported on the National Gun Policy Survey. The results of the survey include information about U.S. adults' opinions of government regulation of firearms. To obtain a random sample of adults in the United States, 1,200 participating households were identified through random digit dialing and then the adult with the most recent birthday (rather than the person who answered the phone) was interviewed. Of those who were interviewed, 78% favored requiring background checks for gun sales between individuals. Which of the following best describes the population of interest in the National Gun Policy Survey? All adults in the United States 78% who favored requiring background checks for gun sales between individuals Adults in each household with the most recent birthday Adults with phone numbers 1,200 U.S. adults