
In 2015 as part of the General Social Survey 1321 randomly

Last updated: 10/27/2023

In 2015 as part of the General Social Survey 1321 randomly

In 2015 as part of the General Social Survey 1321 randomly selected American adults responded to this question Some countries are doing more to protect the environment than other countries In general do you think that America is doing more than enough about the right amount or too little Of the respondents 425 replied that America is doing about the right amount Find the 99 confidence interval for the proportion of all American adults who feel that America is doing about the right amount to protect the environment Use Z 2 576 Use the unrounded values in Excel to find the answers to 2 3 and 4 and the sample proportion of all American adults who feel that America is doing about the right amount to protect the environment 1 Fill in the blanks by selecting one option from each menu aby Part 1 3 points aby Part 2 3 points aby Part 3 3 points aby Part 4 3 points aby Part 5 3 points 15 points 2 The standard error for sample proportion has a value of 3 The margin of error has a value of C 4 Find the 99 confidence interval for all American adults who feel that America is doing about the right amount to protect the environment