
In a dataset of 7 607 men and women with HIV the

Last updated: 12/20/2022

In a dataset of 7 607 men and women with HIV the

In a dataset of 7 607 men and women with HIV the relationship between CD4 and several explanatory variables was examined Coefficients Model Constant MALE RACE BLACK RACE OTHER Unstandardized Coefficients B Std Error 21 243 10 279 10 541 13 130 35 268 491 Standardized Coefficients Beta 15 168 207 8 474 8 127 4 501 4 351 003 121 120 051 052 322 227 2 133 89 318 106 705 158 756 lung cancer AGE 2 135 a Dependent Variable CD4 LAST The variables are coded as follows Male 1 Male 0 Female Race black 1 Black Race 0 Not Black Race Race Other 1 Other Race 0 Not Other Race Lung Cancer 1 Has Lung Cancer 0 Does not have lung cancer Select all of the statements that are true about the relationships of each variable on CD4 Sig 001 836 001 001 001 001 Males have higher CD4 values than Females Having lung cancer decreases CD4 values Lung cancer has the largest effect on CD4 values Being black or an other race increases CD4 values compared to those who are white