In a region magnetic field along x axis changes in periodic
Last updated: 6/11/2023

In a region magnetic field along x axis changes in periodic manner as shown in figure If a particle of mass m and charge q is projected from origin with velocity vo at an angle with positive direction of x axis in xz plane If the time taken by the particle to rotate by 27 is To then mark the correct statement s B Bo Bo To 2T 3To 4To B The position of the particle at t 2 A The particle s trajectory repeats its shape after every 2To seconds To vo cos xT 2mv sin 0 1S qBo 2 5T C The position of the particle at t o is t s 4 v cos x5T mv sin 0 mv sin 4 qBo qBo D The two extreme position of particle from x axis are at separation projection on yz in O