
In Millions of USD except Per Share 12 Months Ending Revenue

Last updated: 10/10/2023

In Millions of USD except Per Share 12 Months Ending Revenue

In Millions of USD except Per Share 12 Months Ending Revenue Cost of Revenue Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating Income Loss Pretax Income Loss Adjusted Abnormal Losses Gains Pretax Income Loss GAAP Income Tax Expense Benefit Net Income Interest Expense In Millions of USD Total Assets Cash Cash Equivalents STI Accounts Notes Receiv Inventories Other ST Assets Total Current Assets Property Plant Equip Net Property Plant Equip Accumulated Depreciation LT Investments Receivables Other LT Assets Microsoft Corp MSFT US Standardized Total Noncurrent Assets Total Assets Liabilities Shareholders Equity Payables Accruals ST Debt Other ST Liabilities Total Current Liabilities LT Debt Other LT Liabilities Total Noncurrent Liabilities Total Liabilities FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 06 30 2022 06 30 2020 06 30 2021 143 015 0 168 088 0 198 270 0 46 078 0 52 232 0 62 650 0 96 937 0 115 856 0 135 620 0 43 528 0 45 940 0 52 237 0 53 409 0 69 916 0 83 383 0 53 420 0 69 870 0 83 255 0 384 0 1 232 0 461 0 53 036 0 71 102 0 8 755 0 9 831 0 44 281 0 61 271 0 Total Equity Total liabilities Equity 2 591 0 FY 2020 06 30 2020 2 346 0 FY 2021 06 30 2021 136 527 0 130 334 0 32 011 0 38 043 0 1 895 0 2 636 0 11 482 0 13 393 0 181 915 0 184 406 0 52 904 0 70 803 0 96 101 0 122 154 0 43 197 0 51 351 0 2 965 0 5 984 0 63 527 0 72 586 0 119 396 0 149 373 0 301 311 0 333 779 0 118 304 0 301 3110 27 394 0 10 825 0 50 438 0 88 657 0 71 453 0 83 716 0 10 978 0 72 738 0 141 988 0 333 779 0 2 063 0 22 534 0 33 728 0 5 905 0 6 037 0 43 871 0 55 317 0 72 310 0 95 082 0 76 205 0 72 363 0 34 492 0 31 681 0 30 853 0 110 697 0 103 134 0 103 216 0 183 007 0 191 791 0 198 298 0 FY 2022 06 30 2022 104 757 0 44 261 0 3 742 0 16 924 0 169 684 0 87 546 0 147 206 0 59 660 0 6 891 0 100 719 0 195 156 0 364 840 0 166 542 0 264 940 al