
In Unit 4 we are learning about graph theory For this

Last updated: 4/21/2023

In Unit 4 we are learning about graph theory For this

In Unit 4 we are learning about graph theory For this discussion you will post at least twice 1 an initial post and then 2 a reply to a classmate For your initial post Select one of the statements below A A UPS driver trying to find the best way to deliver packages around town can model the delivery locations as the vertices on a graph and the roads between the locations as edges The best way for the driver to deliver the packages is an Euler path B Starting from my home I need to go to the post office the bank the medical clinic and the dry cleaners Because my goal is to run errands and return home using the shortest route I need to determine the minimum spanning tree C Using the shortest possible line length to connect ten towns with telephone lines involves finding the minimum cost spanning tree D Although the Nearest Neighbor Method does not always give the Hamilton circuit for which the sum of the weights is a minimum Kruskal s Algorithm always gives the spanning tree with the smallest possible total weight For the statement you selected answer the following questions 1 Identify the statement you selected Does the statement make sense 2 Explain your answer