Indicate if the following are metals non metals or
Last updated: 6/15/2023

Indicate if the following are metals non metals or metalloids 1pt each 1 Cesium 2 Yttrium 3 Tungsten 4 Radon 5 Boron 6 Give the definition of an ionic and covalent bond 2pts Indicate if the following are ionic or covalent 1pt each 7 BaF2 8 Na2CO3 9 NO 10 CCI4 11 Mg OH 2 Write the correct name for the following formulas 1pt each 12 Rb20 13 Sr MnO4 2 14 CO2 15 Fe2O3 16 H O Write the correct formula for the following names of compounds 1pt each 17 Manganese III Sulfide 18 Arsenic trichloride 10 Amm