Is the set of rational numbers a group under the operation
Last updated: 9/1/2022

Is the set of rational numbers a group under the operation of addition? Is the set of rational numbers a group under the operation of addition? If not, why not? Select all that apply. A. Yes, it is a group. B. No, it is not a group. There is no identity element in the set of rational numbers under the operation of addition. C. No, it is not a group. There exist rational numbers a and b such that a + b*b+a. D. No, it is not a group. There exist rational numbers a, b, and c such that (a + b) + c#a+ (b + c). E. No, it is not a group. The set of rational numbers is not closed under the operation of addition. F. No, it is not a group. There is at least one rational number that does not have an inverse in the set of rational numbers under the operation of addition.