
It is commonly believed that the mean body temperature of a

Last updated: 4/26/2023

It is commonly believed that the mean body temperature of a

It is commonly believed that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is 98 6 F You are not entirely convinced You believe that it is not 98 6 F You collected data using 45 healthy people and found that they had a mean body temperature of 98 27 F with a standard deviation of 0 93 F Use a 0 05 significance level to test the claim that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is not 98 6 F a Identify the null and alternative hypotheses Ho 0 H 0 b What type of hypothesis test should you conduct left right or two tailed left tailed Oright tailed two tailed c Identify the appropriate significance level d Calculate your test statistic Write the result below and be sure to round your final answer to two decimal places e Calculate your p value Write the result below and be sure to round your final answer to four decimal places f Do you reject the null hypothesis We reject the null hypothesis since the p value is less than the significance level We reject the null hypothesis since the p value is not less than the significance level We fail to reject the null hypothesis since the p value is less than the significance level We fail to reject the null hypothesis since the p value is not less than the significance level g Select the statement below that best represents the conclusion that can be made There is sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is not 98 6 F There is not sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is not 98 6 F The sample data support the claim that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is not 98 6 F There is not sufficient sample evidence to support the claim that the mean body temperature of a healthy adult is not 98 6 F