
Jimmy brings $24 to the county fair for rides. Roller

Last updated: 7/16/2022

Jimmy brings $24 to the county fair for rides. Roller

Jimmy brings $24 to the county fair for rides. Roller coaster rides are $2, and the spinning cup rides cost $3. But Jimmy knows that he gets queasy if he takes more than 6 roller coaster rides or more than 8 spinning cup rides. Let r represent the number of roller coaster rides and let s represent the number of spinning cup rides. In addition to r ≥ 0; s ≥ 0, which is a set of inequalities that Jimmy can use to guide his choice of rides? Ar+s≤ 24; r ≤ 6; s < 8 Br+s≤ 24 C2r + 3s ≤ 24; r ≤ 6; s ≤ 8 D 2r ≤ 6; 3s ≤ 8