
kipped eBook Print eferences Business transactions completed

Last updated: 8/26/2023

kipped eBook Print eferences Business transactions completed

kipped eBook Print eferences Business transactions completed by Hannah Venedict during the month of September are as follows a Venedict invested 84 000 cash along with office equipment valued at 24 000 in a new business named HV Consulting in exchange for common stock b The company purchased land valued at 45 000 and a building valued at 155 000 The purchase is paid with 30 000 cash and a note payable for 170 000 c The company purchased 1 700 of office supplies on credit d Venedict invested an automobile in the company in exchange for more common stock The automobile has a value of 16 800 e The company purchased 5 600 of additional office equipment on credit f The company paid 1 700 cash salary to an assistant g The company provided services to a client and collected 7 800 cash h The company paid 640 cash for this month s utilities i The company paid 1 700 cash to settle the account payable created in transaction c J The company purchased 20 100 of new office equipment by paying 20 100 cash k The company completed 6 000 of services on credit for a client who must pay within 30 days 1 The company paid 1 700 cash salary to an assistant m The company received 3 000 cash in partial payment on the receivable created in transaction k n The company paid a 2 600 cash dividend Required 1 Prepare general journal entries to record these transactions using the following titles Cash 101 Accounts Receivable 106 Office Supplies 108 Office Equipment 163 Automobiles 164 Building 170 Land 172 Accounts Payable 201 Notes Payable 250 Common Stock 307 Dividends 319 Consulting Revenue 403 Salaries Expense 601 and Utilities Expense 602 2 Post the journal entries from part 1 to the ledger accounts 3 Prepare a trial balance as of the end of September