
Length of barrel of a gun is l 5 0 m and mass of a shell

Last updated: 6/8/2023

Length of barrel of a gun is l 5 0 m and mass of a shell

Length of barrel of a gun is l 5 0 m and mass of a shell fired is mo 45 Rg During firing combustion of the gun powder takes place at a constant rate r 2 0 x 10 kg s the gun powder is completely transfor med into gas of average molar mass M 5 0 x 10 2 kg mol temperature T 1000 K of the gases remain fairly constant and displacement of the shell inside the barrel is proportional to ta t is time and a is a constant Neglecting all forces other than force of the propellant gases during firing find the muzzle velocity of the shell Aus 3 4 R T l 1 3 issomle