
Length of Number of leaves Lamp power Percentage

Last updated: 7/26/2022

Length of    Number of leaves    Lamp power   Percentage

Length of Number of leaves Lamp power Percentage Number of clipping on clipping (watts) of light that oxygen reaches the bubbles plant formed in 10 minutes A 12 9 40 100% ? B 12 9 40 75% ? C 12 9 40 50% ? D 12 9 40 25% ? 7. Refer to the diagrams in Model 2 to complete the data table in model 3. 8. The column headings in Model 3 each describe a variable in the experiment. (a) What variable was purposefully changed in the experiment? (b) What variable changed as a result of changing the variable listed in part a? (c) What variable(s) in the Model 3 data table remained constant among all the trials?