
Let the predictor variable x represent heights of males and

Last updated: 6/28/2023

Let the predictor variable x represent heights of males and

Let the predictor variable x represent heights of males and let response variable y represent weights of males A sample of 143 heights and weights results in se 16 28265 cm In your own words describe what that value of se represents Choose the correct answer below OA The value of s is the standard deviation of e which is a measure of the differences between the observed weights and the weights predicted from the regression equation OB The value of s is the standard deviation of e which is a measure of the differences in standard deviations for the two samples OC The value of so is the standard error of the estimate which is a measure of the differences between the observed weights and the weights predicted from the regression equation OD The value of se is the standard error of the estimate which is a measure of the differences in standard deviations for the two samples KC 23