Lines Angles and Triangles Part 2 ASSESSMENT Credit
Last updated: 12/6/2023

Lines Angles and Triangles Part 2 ASSESSMENT Credit Checkpoint Complete the following problems Show all your work Learning Goal from Lesson 6 2 6 3 and 7 3 I can prove theorems about geometric figures using triangle congruence and similarity a 1 Identify the sides or angles that need to be congruent in order to make the given triangles congruent by AAS Lesson 6 2 1 point a D AV B DA OB C B C F D 2 Which of the following properties prove that the triangles are congruent Lesson 6 2 and 6 3 1 point b Which statement would prove AAMC ABMC by HL Congruence Theorem M E E ASA Congruence Theorem AAS Congruence Theorem SAS Congruence Theorem b How I Did Circle one I got it I m still learning it A4 E A D A LA LB B ZMCA LMCB C 4C C B