
Listed below are the highest amounts of net worth in

Last updated: 6/23/2023

Listed below are the highest amounts of net worth in

Listed below are the highest amounts of net worth in millions of dollars of all celebrities What do the results tell us about the population of all celebrities Based on the nature of the amounts what can be inferred about their precision 265 190 185 165 155 155 145 145 145 145 D OD The results tell us that all celebrities are expected to have amounts of net worth approximately equal to one of the measures of center found in parts a through d Based on the nature of the amounts what can be inferred about their precision O A Since no information is given nothing can be said about the precision of the given values OB Since celebrity information is public these values can be assumed to be unrounded OC The values are all whole numbers so they appear to be accurate to the nearest whole number OD The values all end in 0 or 5 so they appear to be rounded estimates