Many say that baseball is a game with low success rate
Last updated: 5/5/2023

Many say that baseball is a game with low success rate Consider Mookie Betts one of the greatest players the sport has ever seen He had a batting average BA of 346 during the 2018 season His batting average was the highest of all players for that year A player s batting average is computed by dividing the number of times a player has a hit by the player s total number of at bats BA Number of Hits Number of At Bats Notice that this formula looks a lot like a probability where the sample space is the set of all at bats and the event is getting a hit When fans talk about batting averages they commonly think of it in terms of probability That is if a player is batting 250 then there is a 25 chance that they will be a hit at their next at bat 1 Do you agree with the interpretation of the batting average as a probability Is it possible to compute the theoretical probability that a player will get a hit when at bat Explain you answer 2 Let s return our attention to Mookie Betts Betts had 520 at bats during the 2018 season how many hits did he have that season Round your answer to the nearest whole number 3 Suppose that Mookie Betts had another 20 at bats during the 2018 season Assume he had a BA of 500 for those 20 at bats What would his new batting average be with these extra 20 at bats