
Mason is a four month old infant born with alcleft lip la

Last updated: 6/27/2023

Mason is a four month old infant born with alcleft lip la

Mason is a four month old infant born with alcleft lip la condition where the skin that forms a baby s upper lip does not completely join and leaves a slit in the skin Mason stayed in the neonatal intense clipa condicion whereted a feeding tube to eat the first few weeks of life The family shared with you that their time in the hospital was an extremely stressful experience Mason is now doing great and only needs the help of a specialized bottle nipple for eating Mason s mother and father are thrilled to have Mason in your program and Mason s mother is excited to return to work They ve said they are looking forward to enjoying our baby and returning to a normal life Mason s cleft lip is noticeable and other staff and some family members of other children in the program have asked you questions such as What happened to that little baby or What kind of bottle is that You are not sure how to respond or what Mason s family feels comfortable sharing You feel you should communicate with Mason s parents that others have asked questions about their child How will you initiate this conversation with Mason s family Think about how to be sensitive to the fact that the family has been through a stressful experience and are now excited for their child and themselves to return to normal Record some notes on how you would discuss the situation with the family and share your responses with a coach trainer or administrator