
midnight of the last day of the unit for full credit While

Last updated: 12/22/2022

midnight of the last day of the unit for full credit While

midnight of the last day of the unit for full credit While you can be supportive of your peers by saying I agree or Wow I never thought of that these statements alone are not sufficient you must explain why Any posts made after the last day of the unit wil not be considered for a grade Answer the question s below Rosa Gutierrez was just seen by Dr Bahjat Her laboratory tests have come back and she has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes She is a Mexican immigrant who has lived in the United States for the past 31 years She is very worried about how the disease will affect her life 1 1 One of the laboratory tests performed was an FBS fasting blood sugar ordered by Dr Bahjat Give an example of an abnormal FBS that could be concerning for Dr Bahjat 2 List some signs and symptoms that Ms Gutierrez may have had which would have indicated to Dr Bahjat that she should be tested for type 2 diabetes mellitus 3 How does Ms Gutierrez s ethnicity play a role in her diagnosis What should be considered regarding patient education