MO KAPLAN Chapter Eight Endocrine System AGANS OF THE HEAD
Last updated: 3/1/2023

MO KAPLAN Chapter Eight Endocrine System AGANS OF THE HEAD The pineal gland is a small gland located posterior to the corpus callosum in the brain It has the shape of pine nut but is a little bit smaller It secretes the hormone melatonin melatonin levels increase during the night and decrease during the day The pituitary gland or hypophysis is suspended from the brain by a stalk called the infundibulum The pituitary sits in the hypophyseal fossa which is a depression in the sphenold bone The pituitary is a complicated gland that has numerous functions The the oral cavity during development and consists of adenohypophysis or anterior pituitary originates from epithelium It produces several hormones which will be discussed later The anterior pituitary has cells that pick up histological stain differently These are acidophific cells and basophilic cells The neurohypophysis or posterior pituitary is derived from the brain during development and does not make its own hormones but stores hormones produced in the hypothalamus Label the pineal gland the corpus callosum and the pituitary gland Label the parts of the pituitary Color Guide In the upper illustration color the pineal gland and pituitary gland in different colors In the e illustration use purple for the adenohypophysis and yellow for the neurohypophysis In e color the acidophilic cells red and the lighter shaded basophilic cells purple or blue Use yellow to color the lower right illustration of the neurohypophysis Pituitary gland hypophysis Pineal gland Corpus callosum Hypophyseal fossa Adenohypophysis anterior pituitary Basophilic cell Acidophilic cell Sphenold bone Infundibulum Neurohypophysis posterior pituitary d a piRuitary Optic chiasma b hypothalamus h 9 W