mocratic government is built on the idea that people are
Last updated: 5/8/2023

mocratic government is built on the idea that people are free Democratic government lacks voting regulations Democratic government protects individual liberties The citizens of a democratic government can travel as they please Democratic government is dedicated to establishing world peace Businesses within a democratic government may operate with few restrictions Question 11 from the Brandenburg Gate Resolving an Economic Crisis 1 The stock market crashed in 1929 the United States entered a severe economic downturn called the Great Depression 2 As the crisis deepened the unemployment rate soared destroying many lives 3 The crisis required a bold response from the government but President Herbert Hoover resisted saying economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement 4 People like Hoover who thought that the government should not take steps to help the economy ignored the suffering of millions of Americans 5 In some cities the unemployment rate exceeded 70 percent 6 Many lost their homes and were forced to live in shantytowns where the quality of housing was poor 7 These towns were named Hoovervilles because people believed President Hoover had some responsibility for the crisis 8 Still the Hoover administration took half hearted steps to help citizens 9 Franklin Roosevelt was then elected president 10 Recognizing that people were scared h inaugural address said The only thing we have to fear is fear itself 11 Franklin Roosevelt s administration immediately took more action than President Hoover 12 In his first 100 days office Roosevelt and Congress passed legislation that was known as the New Deal 13 TM financial system was reformed and the employment rate increased 14 Over the next four y the country s economy gained strength and the unemployment rate dropped a lot 15 Roo ideas worked Once 1 reproduced below in the passage s introduction