
Modify the accompanying credit risk data using IF functions

Last updated: 6/27/2023

Modify the accompanying credit risk data using IF functions

Modify the accompanying credit risk data using IF functions to include new columns classifying the checking and savings account balances as low if the balance is less than 250 medium if at least 250 but less than 2000 and high otherwise Click the icon to view the Credit Risk data Classify the checking and savings account balances as low medium or high A B C D E 1 Loan Purpose Checking Savings Gender Marital Status Single Married 2 Education 3 Business 4 New Car 250 5 Furniture 91 6 Small Appliance 700 7 Business 890 8 Education 580 9 Retraining 344 10 Small Appliance 100 11 Repairs 0 600 900 3500 1100 250 4871 300 2000 500 2000 9000 800 M F M F M M F M F M Single Single Divorced Single Married Single Single Divorced F Checking Savings Account Status Account Status G V V Y Credit Risk Data Loan Purpose Checking Education Business New Car Furniture 600 900 250 91 Small Appliance 700 Business 890 580 Education Retraining Small Appliance 100 344 Repairs 0 Savings 3500 1100 250 4871 300 2000 500 2000 9000 800 Print Gender MFMFMMLMLM h Marital Status Single Married Single Single Divorced Single Married Single Single Divorced X