
Morbidity and mortality statistics of a fictitious town in

Last updated: 10/5/2023

Morbidity and mortality statistics of a fictitious town in

Morbidity and mortality statistics of a fictitious town in North Carolina 2019 Population size Total population in 2019 Age and or gender specific data All persons 55 years of age and older Women 15 44 years of age Births Total live births in 2019 Deaths Total deaths in 2019 Age and or cause specific death data Fetal deaths Infant deaths Deaths of persons 55 years and older Morbidity Deaths from cancer Deaths from stroke Deaths from heart disease Deaths from cancer among persons 55 years and older Total persons with heart disease Persons newly diagnosed with heart disease in 2019 This table is also viewable in PDF here Calculate 2 measures of morbidity and show your work 2a The overall risk population 167 000 51 000 36 000 2 800 1 985 24 40 722 88 39 121 35 4 381 289 cumulative incidence of heart disease in 2019 per 1 000 2b The prevalence of heart disease in this town reported as a percent per 100 population