NADH H H 0 NAD H CH Malate CH coo Fumarate coo COO CH HC 1
Last updated: 11/15/2023

NADH H H 0 NAD H CH Malate CH coo Fumarate coo COO CH HC 1 coo FADH FAD COO 0 C CH coo Oxaloacetate coo CH3 Krebs Cycle Succinate CH coo GTP COA SH Both oxaloacetate and citrate will decrease COO CH H C CO CH coo Succinyl CoA coo ADP COA SH CH CH I C O S COA Both oxaloacetate and citrate will accumulate OOxaloacetate will decrease and citrate will accumulate Oxaloacetate will accumulate and citrate will decrease Citrate H 0 H 0 oo CH CH COO HO CH coo coo CH CH C 0 coo CO NAD Isocitrate NADH H NAD If pyruvate oxidation is blocked what will first happen to the levels of oxaloacetate and citrate in the Krebs Cycle shown in this figure NADH H a ketoglutarate Dept Biol Penn State 02004