Name Date Period Westover is hosting a fund raising carnival
Last updated: 11/16/2023

Name Date Period Westover is hosting a fund raising carnival You are going to make a themed game with prizes to raise money Follow the steps below and let s design our game THEME AND GAME 10 Points We are going to have a theme for our game You can use whatever you want The prizes will be based on this theme You can use the same theme from past projects if you want The theme for our game is What kind of game do you want to do The only requirement is that you need a repeatable trial that only has two possible outcomes success or failure This can be anything for example hit or miss guess right or wrong knock down all the bottles or don t etc It also needs to be repeatable 10 times like shooting 10 shots guessing 10 times or knocking down the bottles 10 times Really any game can be thought of as success or failure so be creative Write what kind of game you want to do below don t worry about the details right now for example shooting a basketball 10 times or guessing something 10 times or knocking down all the pins targets 10 times You can use games from the fair as an example if you want For our game we will PRIZES 10 Points Now we need some prizes for people to win We need to know how much our prizes are worth as well For our game we will use the following prize structure O successes no prize 1 2 or 3 successes pencil with fancy eraser fitting our theme 4 5 6 or 7 successes small prize fitting our theme 8 or 9 successes large prize fitting our theme 10 successes mega prize fitting our theme The prizes for our game will be General Prize Pencil with Fancy Eraser Small Prize Specific Theme Prize made up How Much It Is Worth made up