
ne Genera Social Survey is an annual survey given to a

Last updated: 6/6/2023

ne Genera Social Survey is an annual survey given to a

ne Genera Social Survey is an annual survey given to a random selection of about 1500 adults in the United States Among the many questions asked are What is the highest level of education you ve completed and If you re employed full time how many hours do you spend working at your job during a typical week In a recent year 1098 respondents answered both questions The summary statistics are given in the chart below The sample data consist of the times in hours per week that were given by the respondents Groups Less than h s High school Bachelor s Graduate Sample Sample Sample size mean variance 273 41 6 105 7 257 92 8 295 86 8 273 92 7 Send data to calculator V 40 1 F 43 2 41 1 Send data to Excel To decide if there are any differences in the mean hours per week worked by these different groups we can perform a one way independent samples ANOVA test Such a test uses the following statistic Variation between the samples Variation within the samples For the data from the survey F 4 95 a Give the p value corresponding to this value of the F statistic Round your answer to at least three decimal places 10 b From the survey data can we conclude that at least one of the groups differs significantly from the others in mean hours worked in a typical week Use the 0 05 level of significance O Yes O No X