
ne season baseball player A hit 61 home runs During a

Last updated: 9/17/2023

ne season baseball player A hit 61 home runs During a

ne season baseball player A hit 61 home runs During a different season baseball player B hit 54 home runs How does the performance of player A compare to the performance of player B T ble available below shows the means and standard deviations for the number of home runs scored by all players with at least 502 plate appearances in their respective seasons Use these to etermine whose home run feat was more impressive i Click the icon to view the means and standard deviations for the two seasons The z score for player A z is Round to two decimal p than the z score for player B Z Mean Standard deviation CUP so the feat by player Season with Player A 19 3 13 07 Means and Standard Deviations for the Two Seasons was more impressive X Season with Player B 21 3 12 45