ns Two large circular discs separated by a distance of 0 01
Last updated: 6/9/2023

ns Two large circular discs separated by a distance of 0 01 m are connected to a battery via a switch as shown in the figure Charged oil drops of density 900 kg m are released through a tiny hole at the center of the top disc Once some oil drops achieve terminal velocity the switch is closed to apply a voltage of 200 V across the discs As a result an oil drop of radius 8 x 10 7 m stops moving vertically and floats between the discs The number of electrons present in this oil drop is neglect the buoyancy force take acceleration due to gravity 10 ms 2 and charge on an electron e 1 6x10 19 C 6 l Resonance qE mg Resonance Eduventures Ltd Reg Office Corp Office CG Tower A 46 52 IPIA Near City Mall Jhalawar Road Kota Raj 324005 Ph No 91 744 2777777 2777700 FAX No 91 022 39167222 o know more sms RESO at 56677 Website www resonance ac in E mail contact resonance ac in CIN U80302RJ2007PLC024029 Toll Free 1800 258 5555 7340010333fb com ocedu twitter com ResonanceEds www youtube com resowatch blog resonance ace This solution was download from Resonance JEE ADVANCED 2020 Solution portal PAGE 2 q mg E 900x Switch 200 V JEE ADVANCED 2020 DATE 27 09 2020 OFFICIAL PAPER 2 PHYSICS 900x4 8 10 7 x10 3 2x104 200 0 01 x512x10 21x10 0 01 m